Parallel Transaction Message Processing


  • 2022-09-10: Initial draft


@breakpoint @codchen03


This document discusses a proposal to enable parallel processing of transaction messages in a block safely and deterministically. ABCI++ support is a prerequisite. Cosmos-SDK/wasmd forking is also necessary.


As shown by recent load tests, after the optimizations of EndBlock are in place, the biggest bottleneck Sei has when processing thousands of transactions per block is the sequential processing of transactions. Each transaction takes 0.5ms on an m5.12xlarge EC2 machine, which translates to 0.5s for a 1000-tx block and 1s for a 2000-tx block, respectively. Since there is no obvious bottleneck within each transaction’s processing logic (even signature verification is pretty fast, when transaction data size is reasonable), the best way we can improve performance is through parallelization of transaction processing.


Due to the lightweight nature of goroutines, parallelization itself can be easily achieved by simply running one goroutine per message, without having to maintain some kind of thread pool to control the overhead. The main problem this document addresses is race condition and non-determinism prevention.

Race condition happens when multiple parties access the same resource and one of those parties mutates it. Race condition prevention therefore can only be achieved through serialization of access to the same mutable resource. Moreover, since we also need to achieve determinism, such access serialization should also follow a deterministic ordering. The granularity of accessed resources will affect the effective parallelism; specifically, the finer the granularity, the higher the parallelism. Under the context of a Cosmos-based blockchain, the finest grained mutable resources are individual KV store entries. Nevertheless, the proposed solution would remain its correctness property regardless of the granularity of accessed resource, so in the following discusion we make no assumption of resource granularity.

Moreover, transaction message processing logics currently assume serializable isolation level, which entails:

  • No dirty read: message A should not see writes from message B before B is finalized.
  • No non-repeatable read: message A should not see different results from running the same query multiple times except for the part written by itself.
  • No phantom read: message A should not see more or fewer items returned from running the same query multiple times except for the ones inserted/deleted by itself.

These requirements, plus the deterministic serialization requirements from the previous paragraph, can be satisfied if we follow the rules below when coordinating parallel messages with respective to a given resource R:

  • Assuming there are n ordered messages in a block, where Mi denotes the i-th message:
    • reads and writes of R in Mi form a dependency chain based on the ordering of occurrences of those operations in Mi's handler.
    • the first read/write of R by Mi is blocked by the completion of Mj where j is the largest index that 1. is smaller than i and 2. Mj writes to R.
    • the first write of R by Mi is additionally blocked by the last read of R in Mj where j is the largest index that 1. is smaller than i and 2. Mj reads R.

If we apply these rules across all messages M1, M2, …, Mn in a block over all relevant resources R1, R2, …, we will get a deterministic DAG representing whose nodes represent individual access operations and edges represent dependencies as defined above.

An example of such DAG over 3 sequential messages and the resulting parallel messages can be found below, where different colors indicate different resources (lighter for reads and darker for writes):


Sei will introduce a new custom module accesscontrol which maintains a mapping between every message type and its predetermined resource read/write sequence (we will discuss how such mappings are maintained in later sections).

All message handlers, including ante handlers, will be enhanced such that each resource access is blocked by a list of channels set in its Context object, where each channel corresponds to an incoming dependency (edge) to the respective resource access (node) in the access DAG. At the end of each message handler, it will send completion signal for all resources potentially written by it. Note that there can be resource access that’s part of conditional statements which may not take place in every transaction of the type. In those cases, we would only block if the access is needed, but still signal completion at the end of the message handler. To prevent deadlocks, we should ensure that those signals are set at the end even if the case of panics, with the help of defer syntax. In addition, after the last read of every resource in a message handler’s logic, the message handler would send a completion signal designated for that resource. For example, Context for Tx2 in the graph in the previous section will have the following values set:

    "resource_dependencies": {
        "first_blue_read": [],
        "first_red_read": [chan_msg1_first_red_write],
        "first_red_write": [chan_msg1_second_red_read],
        "first_blue_write": [chan_msg1_first_blue_read]
    "completion_signals": [

Note that the keys in `resource_dependencies` are static for each message type unless it's modified in `accesscontrol` module, whereas the values (i.e. the actual channel lists) are dynamic and will vary block-by-block.

Also note that dependencies from the first rule in the previous section are omitted since they are implicitly satisfied by message handler's execution.

As a result, first_blue_read will happen immediately and signal completion to chan_msg2_last_blue_read. first_red_read will happen as soon as it receives completion signal from chan_msg1_red_write (which will be sent as soon as M1's handler finalizes, and so on.

Upon receiving a block proposal, the app will first build out the access DAG based on the rules and mapping aforementioned, and validate that the DAG is indeed a DAG, so that there can be no circular dependency that would make deadlock possible. Then it will fire off one goroutine per message with resource_dependencies and completion_signals set for each message based on the DAG. The app blocks on waiting for all goroutines before responding to Tendermint.

Maintain Access Mapping

The following structs will be defined to represent resource access:

type AccessType uint32
const (
    AccessType_Unknown = 0
    AccessType_Read = 1
    AccessType_Write = 2

type ResourceType uint32
const (
    ResourceType_Unknown = 0
    ResourceType_Any = 1 // The most coarse-grained resource type. Writes to it block everything.
    ResourceType_KV = 2
    ResourceType_Mem = 3
    ResourceType_DexMem = 4

type AccessOp struct {
    MsgKey string
    Type AccessType
    Resource ResourceType
    IdentifierTemplate string // can be generalized

func (a *AccessOp) GetResourceIdentifier(args []any) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf(a.IdentifierTemplate, args...)

Two new interface methods will be added to sdk.Msg which each message type would need to implement:

GetAccessMappingKey() string
GetAccessMappingValueArgs() [][]any

The new accesscontrol module needs to have mapping for every possible outcome of GetAccessMappingKey() in its store; otherwise the message should be rejected during CheckTx. Mapped value for each “mapping key” is an ordered list of AccessOps. For example, assume the i-th AccessOp of a certain message type is a bank balance read operation:

  • the key may be something like bank-balances
  • the type is read
  • the resource type is KV
  • the id template can just be "%s", whereas GetAccessMappingValueArgs of a particular instance of that message type will return a list args such that args[i] is [<account address>].

Note that if the exact value of a template argument cannot be known before actually executing the message, then it should not be a template and the mapping should be set with a coarser grained AccessOp (e.g. in this case, if account cannot be known in advance, then the AccessOp should cover the entire bank/balances prefix)

Mappings for builtin modules are set in genesis and can only be updated via governance. If governance messages themselves have wrong mappings set, the chain may never be recovered, so for safety we will switch to the old sequential execution mode whenever there are governance messages in a block.

Mappings for wasm contracts’ execute endpoints can be kept coarse-grained for now, with the following AccessOps definition (in order):

Ante handler related ops
Read from wasm store for contract address (load contract code and metadata)
Read from Any (potential queries during contract execution)
Write to Any (potential messages in contract responses)

It might be possible to make this finer-grained if we have the capability to automatically inspect contract code upon submission and derive its access patterns, but it is out-of-scope for the purpose of this document.

TODO: mappings for EVM/SolanaVM contracts once those modules are finalized


To prevent bugs or human errors during mapping setting from damaging the chain, the Context object for each message will also keep a step counter that’s incremented whenever it signals one completion. The resource stores can then use this step counter to validate if the access request is for the correct step, and panic if not. If the validation fails, it means that the access mapping for that particular transaction is wrong and needs to be updated before messages for that type can be processed.